Full transparency: detoxing from mold will most likely be more unpleasant than parasite cleansing. Inevitably with each cleanse you will understand the need to go deeper. The truth is that if you jump into trying to kill the mold without preparation you are likely to become even more sick. This is not to say you should be detoxing everyday for the rest of your life, but rigorous discipline can make a huge impact.
Mold overwhelms our elimination systems so open and well operating drainage pathways are crucial for success: pooping, peeing and perspiration. Please review the section HOW TO OPEN YOUR DRAINAGE/DETOX PATHWAYS if you need suggestions or clarification. Again, MolDeze is going to snatch that mold up and the body is going to be utilizing any and every exit strategy it has to eliminate it quickly. Physical symptoms to expect are similar to parasite die off symptoms but add a little spice to it:
- bloating, diarrhea, gas, abdominal pain/cramping
- aches and pains in joints/muscles
- anxiety/depression/anger/irritability
- breakouts/itchy skin, rashes,
- food cravings, sugar cravings
- fatigue, headaches, insomnia
- flu-like symptoms, fever, chills
- excess mucus released in stool, urine and nose
- hallucinations, paranoia
- emotional highs and lows, especially rage