Parasites #
Do you have a chronic illness? Have you tried everything, but can’t get answers? Maybe you have parasites, worms, candida, or all of the above. Let’s go over what this looks like and what you can do to cleanse your body of these things.
Parasites Vs Worms #
Parasites are microscopic, and they include Giardia, Cryptosporidium, and Parvum (“parvo”). You can’t see them with the naked eye–only with a microscope. Worms, on the other hand, are physical and you can see them, but both cause disruption in our bodies. They can lay dormant for decades and go undetected.
Health Issues Caused by Parasites and Worms #
Root issues caused by parasites include anemia, digestive issues like IBS constipation or IBS diarrhea, skin issues, grinding teeth, sleep problems like insomnia (they are nocturnal), unexplained joint and muscle pain, anxiety, depression, emotional instability, fatigue, leaky gut, unexplained weight loss or gain, bad breath, crawling sensations, facial pain, skin sores, pain around the eyes, and more.
Common Places Parasites & Worms Can Be Contracted #
Unwashed produce, contaminated water, lakes, rivers, pets, walking barefoot, dirt, gardening, raw or undercooked meat, fish, and sushi. I know, I know It sounds crazy but the thing is, our country and Western medicine don’t do regular Parasite Cleansing or testing.
However, other countries and cultures like Mexico, Latin America, the Philippines, and the Amish do twice a year deworming. We never have, so our bodies are filled with parasites and worms.
The best way to find out and get to the root cause of your illness is to do a 30 day parasite cleanse to see exactly what’s wrong. It will shine a big light on unexplained issues you may have.
Parasites and worms can be found in the gut, muscle, blood, tissue, lungs, heart, feet, mouth, gums, brain, and skin–basically your whole body! The best time to deworm is three days prior to the full moon.
They start to dislodge and then they swim freely in your body. The serotonin is at a higher level, which allows them to freely swim in places they may not have ever been before during the full moon. Doing a parasite cleanse can change your life!
How Do I Cleanse and Why? #
You can start cleansing with antiparasitic kits like ParaFy or with synthetic antiparasitic meds.
The herbs include wormwood, garlic, clove, black walnut hull, oregon grape root, and hawthorn berry.
These are the main cleanse herbs.
Synthetic anti-parasitics include Ivermectin, Fenbendazole, Albendazole, and Praziquantel for example. But each one of
these antiparasitic meds should be followed up with a herbal cleanse, as it can peel back layers of other parasites or worms.
Parasites are like onions. When you peel back one layer, it can kill one, yet expose another. They mimic other issues, so repeat cleansing is highly recommended.
Where Can I Find The ParaFy Kit? #
You can buy the kit on It’s an all-in-one kit with a parasite cleanse and candida cleanse. It includes a binder and an additional seasonal tincture for either heavy metal detox or additional support like functional mushrooms for
We hand-make every kit and source or forage the herbs ourselves.
Did you know that parasites can steal 90% of your nutrients, leaving you with just 10%
to live on. Most people who are anemic need to cleanse to see if that is why they are
low in iron!
What To Expect During a Cleanse #
What are Die Offs or Herxing? When the parasites or worms are dying, they are leaving toxins behind, which includes their pee and poop, laying eggs, viruses past or present that they have been hanging on to, and trauma they have stored. This causes our bodies to go into defense mode, where we get headaches, flu-like symptoms, anxiety, anger, and more.
How To Manage Die Off Symptoms #
Try to keep your schedule free while parasite cleansing. Plan on resting, catching up on Netflix, and very light exercise.
Take a binder at night. Binders are supplements that “bind” together toxins and dead debris.
Pathways #
PEE: Stay hydrated! Aim for liters of filtered and alkaline water each day.
POOP: Consider doing at-home coffee enemas or colonics/hydrocolonics (if available near you)
PORES: Sweat it out. Hot showers, saunas, epsom salt baths, fulvic soaks or baths, or go for a brisk walk with layers. Take a liver support such as milk thistle, burdock root, or dandelion tea.
What Is A Binder? #
Always make sure when doing any cleanse that you take a binder. These include coconut activated charcoal, activated charcoal, Ceylon cinnamon, and bentonite clay.
My favorite binder is coconut activated charcoal with Ceylon cinnamon. My binder is called Cinnabin. Binders help remove the toxins when you’re killing off parasites and worms, which leave eggs and toxins on the way out. Binders help take those toxins and you poop them out, versus having them come out your skin, eyes, ears, nose, and mouth.
My ParaFy Kit is an all-in-one and includes a binder! Remember the 3 P’s for
Pathways: Pee, Poop, and Pores (sweating).
Drainage is simply OPENING the pathways that move and remove fluid from your body daily. These are normal
This is NOT a detox!!! There Are 7 Drainage Pathways That Need to Be Addressed
The 7 Drainage Pathways #
The 7 drainage pathways are :
The Colon
The Liver/Bile Ducts
The Lymphatic System
The Skin
The Lungs
The Kidneys
The Glymphatic System (this is in the brain)
Without properly opening and addressing these pathways, you will 100% have an intense herx reaction.
Will They Come Out of Other Areas of My Body?
Yes, they can. But if you have a good parasite cleanse they should only come out of your poop. If you start to have die offs like rashes, flu symptoms, itching, upper respiratory issues, worms coming out your eyes, nose, mouth, and ears, then you can use the binder. With ParaFy, I formulated it so you would not have these issues.
How Many Times Should I Cleanse? #
3-4 times a year or with symptoms during your first year. After that you can do it every 6 months. I personally cleanse every month over the full moon, 3 days before the full moon and 2 days after. I have also cleansed with symptoms as well. I get tested with twice a year as maintenance.