Castor Oil Packs 101 #
Draining Your Lymphatic System with Castor Oil Pack #
Let me tell you guys what’s happening. I’m doing a castor oil pack. Castor oil packs pull toxins out of your neck. This video is going to show you step by step how to make one of these yourself. I got unbleached undyed wool flannel, a bottle of castor oil, saran wrap and a heating pad. Feeling like my lymphatic system being backed up is calming down. I can feel the lymphatic system was drained and I definitely can tell a difference.
What You Can Feel with Lymphatic Draining #
Let me tell why I did the castor oil pack and oil pulling, it is because I had a lump in my throat and I could feel that even my manual draining wasn’t sufficient enough. When you do manual draining as well as the castor oil pack and oil pulling you can feel and hear the drain. Another side note is when your lymphatic system gets backed up, the lymphatic system helps regulate cortisol and adrenaline. So when that is not working properly you’re gonna have a slew of problems. It also caused intrusive thoughts & anxiety. After I did the castor oil pack I felt so much better, I feel better after I oil pull mentally and physically- your lymphatic system has a lot to do with how you feel.
The Many Things Castor Oil Can Help With #
I really did want to know if there were other benefits other than what I was reading for Castor oil packs. I mean, they could help with any sort of lung congestion. I know it helps with liver health, thyroid health, scar tissue. I just heard that you don’t just have to use wool flannel. It’s recommended, but you can do it with a hand towel or washcloth too.
There Are Many Ways to Use Castor Oil #
Castor oil by itself with no wool flannel or no heat is gonna help break anything down that you need to break down. It’s just an added benefit when you have those extra things.
Doctor Info for Castor Oil Packs #
I reached out to my doctor and I asked him if he had more information on the castor oil packs, so here you guys go I hope this helps.
How to Store and Reuse Castor Oil Packs #
I store my castor oil pack in the fridge like this. I nuke it for about 10 seconds just to get it loosened up and warm it up just a tad, it’s already in this container. Always test it out before you put it on your body to make sure it’s not too hot. You can use it for about 20 different times before you have to add more. You can always add more, it’s just all a preference.
Oil Pulling #
I’m so glad I’m not the only one that’s never done it before. She said to put coconut or olive oil in your mouth swish it around for about 5-7 minutes. Don’t swallow any of it, spit it out, then brush your teeth really good after it pulls all of that out- It works.